Pete the Cat! + FREEBIES!
I absolutely LOVE Pete the Cat!! This week was one of my favorite weeks because we did so many fun activities with the adorable story, 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes'.
If you have not read this story, I highly recommend it! Year after year this has been my kiddos favorite story! 'Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes' is a great story for predicting and retelling the story.
This week, we did lots of different activities in math and literacy about Pete the Cat. We also learned all about the number 2 and the sight word 'the'. We were very excited that our sight word 'the' was in the title of the book, 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes'.
Here is a look at all we did this week in my class and some FREEBIES too!
If you have not read this story, I highly recommend it! Year after year this has been my kiddos favorite story! 'Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes' is a great story for predicting and retelling the story.
This week, we did lots of different activities in math and literacy about Pete the Cat. We also learned all about the number 2 and the sight word 'the'. We were very excited that our sight word 'the' was in the title of the book, 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes'.
Here is a look at all we did this week in my class and some FREEBIES too!
This week in math we focused on the number 2. We practiced tracing and writing the number 2 and then finding the number 2.
Next, we rainbow wrote the number 2 and made/glued the number 2 out of cheerios! YUM!!
Our sight word focus of the week was 'the'. We practiced tracing the word and writing it on our own. It is always more fun with markers!
Grab this tracing page HERE for FREE!
I read 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes'. I think I read it 3 times on this day! My kiddos just could not get enough! Pete the Cat joined us for the fun today and we practiced retelling the story using the different colored shoes from the story. I had my students tell me which color I needed to switch the shoes as we retold the story. Then, I passed out the shoes and had my students come up to Pete and switch his shoes the color that came next in the story. It was such a fun and interactive retelling activity. We had Pete hang out with us for the rest of the week :)
Today we focused more on the number 2. We practiced making groups of 2 with our colored tiles.
Then we found and colored groups of 2.
I reread the story, 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes'. I think the kiddos read the story more on their own than I did today! They remembered so much of it and almost word to word of the story! I had them help me make an anchor chart that retold the story of Pete the Cat. After we made the anchor chart, I had my students retell the story to a friend and vice versa.
We had some fun with our sight word 'the'. We made the word 'the' with fruit loops! YUMMM!!!! By the way, this is the BEST classroom air freshener!! You could literally smell my classroom way down the hallway!
We read our sight word of the week for the second day on our pocket chart. Today we highlighted our sight word 'the'.
Today we focused on showing the number 2 in a ten frame. We used Pete the Cat's shoes to help us fill 2 in the ten frame. We actually retold the story of 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes' and would show 2 shoes of the correct color in the ten frame as we retold the story.
Then, we filled in a ten frame to show 2 using Pete's shoes of course! We also practiced tracing and writing the number 2. We colored the shoes our favorite color from the story.
We practiced reading in math with my Interactive Number 2 Mini Reader. This mini reader is hands-on and has students reading short sentences while also gluing the correct number of pictures on the page! What is even better is that this Mini Reader is for FREE!!
Click HERE to grab this Number 2 Mini Reader for FREE!
It was finally time to retell the story on our very own! I had my students color the shoe each color that was in the story. Then, they cut and glued them in the correct order from the story.
You can get this activity for FREE!! Email me if you would like this retelling activity.
We had more fun practice with our sight word 'the'. We did tracing, writing, and rainbow writing. We really started to noticed today how much we see this word everywhere!
We had a blast learning about the number 2 on a number line. I let each student make 2 hops on the number line on their way back to their seat.
Then the practiced showing 2 on a number line by making hops. They also practice tracing and writing the number 2.
We read and completed a different Interactive Number 2 Mini Reader today.
And... this Interactive Number 2 Mini Reader is for FREE too! Click HERE to grab this mini reader.
We got to make Pete the Cat today! They turned out adorable!
You can grab the templates to make these cute Pete The Cats HERE
Each day this week, we filled in a part of our Number 2 Board. Today we completed our Number 2 Board.
We showed all that we know about the number 2.
We celebrated our new learning by making a Number 2 Hat! We rainbow wrote the number 2, colored only 2 stars, made 2 hops on a number line, cut and glued pictures that only showed 2 (we threw away the ones that didn't), and we traced the number 2 and number word two. These hats were a blast! The students were able to complete and assemble the hat on their own. The only part I did for them was staple the bands together!
I gave each student a letter from our sight word 'the'. When I said "GO!", my students stood up and walked around to try to find other friends who had the other 2 letters they needed to spell the word 'the'. When they found those people, they stood together to show the sight word.
We talked about which shoe color from the story 'Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes' was our favorite. Each student came up to the chart and wrote their favorite color.
Then, I did a directed drawing of Pete the Cat and they completed a sentence unscramble of their favorite color shoe from the story. I think I am going to see LOTS of Pete the Cats for awhile! My kiddos were so excited that they knew how to draw him :)
These Pete the Cat sentence unscrambles are for FREE! You can grab them HERE!
We circled our sight word 'the' in our sight word mini reader and read the book by ourselves and to a friend! I love how proud they were of themselves! I sure am proud too! (I forgot to take pictures of other activities we did with our mini reader throughout the week). I will make sure to do that with our new mini reader next week!
What a fun week! I hope you can find some of these activities and FREEBIES helpful for your classroom!
A lot of activities you saw above came from some of my products in my TPT Store. You can click on the pictures below to grab these activities.
Here is one of the many FREEBIES from this week in case you missed it above. Click on the picture to grab it.
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing 3 day weekend! You all deserved it!! :) Have a great week!
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