Scarecrows- Part Two!

I can't believe this week marked the end of the first quarter!! It has gone by so fast! This week was a 4 day week with my students and we had our inservice/report cards on Friday. We ended the first quarter with part 2 of my Scarecrow Unit! What a fun and busy week we had! We had a blast continuing our Scarecrow Unit with lots more math and literacy activities.

Here is a look at our week. There are FREEBIES in here for you all as well! :) 
Thank you for checking out my blog!

This week was all about the number 7. We practiced tracing, writing, and finding the number 7.

Then we rainbow wrote the number 7 and filled the other one in with crows :)

We had lots of fun being crows, but got a little mixed up. Luckily, our friends in class were there to help us get back to the correct order! 
I love hearing my students interact with each other, work together, and be problem solvers!

We unscrambled numbered crows and placed them in the correct order on a fence. We also wrote about what we saw.

We read the adorable story, 'The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything'. Such a fun story for the students! Before I read the end of the story, I had my students predict who knocked on the door of the little old lady's cottage.

We shared our predictions before I read the rest of the story.

After the story, we labeled the different parts of the story and the sounds that each part made.

Our sight word focus for this week was 'we'. On our pocket chart, we practiced reading our sight word mini reader. I am starting to have my students explain what reading strategy they used to read the sentence.

We traced our sight word 'we' with MARKERS!!! This is a FREEBIE!!

You can grab this 'we' tracing page for free HERE!

This week I had my students practice reading sentences with sight words we have learned and also a CVC word. This was great practice for our letter-sound correspondence practice! After reading the sentence I had them write the sentence and then cut out the words in the sentence (scrambled) to build the sentence.
I almost forgot... This mini reading and writing book is for FREE!!

 You can grab this mini book for free HERE!

Today we practiced making groups of 7.

Then we counted and colored groups of 7.

We practiced showing 7 in a ten frame. We were crows while doing this of course! :)

We filled in our very own ten frame with crows to show 7 and practiced tracing and writing the number 7.

I reread 'The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything' and we sequenced the order the different parts appeared in the story.

We used the different parts of the story to make a sentence. We got all scrambled up at first. Then, we had our friends in class help put us in the correct order to make a complete sentence.

We reread our sight word mini reader and highlighted our focus sight word 'we' on the pocket chart today.

We had fun tracing, writing, and rainbow writing our focus sight word.

We worked more in our reading and writing books today. Remember this is for FREE! If you did not grab it above, click HERE!

We started the day by reading a mini math reader and gluing the correct number of crows on the page to show the number in the sentence. Since our focus sight word was 'we', I also had them write that word for extra practice and to make the sentence complete.

We had so much fun being crows and 'flying' to the number 7 on our super large number line :)

Then, we 'flew' to the number 7 on our own number line, glued 7 crows, and practiced tracing/writing the number 7.

We talked about more and less and used our friend Sammy Scarecrow to help us out! I would place crows on each side of the scarecrow and had my students tell me which arm had more crows on it and which arm had less. We practiced explaining our reasoning.

Then, we counted different groups of crows and wrote which group had more and which group had less.

I reread the story, 'The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything' (well I think my students read it more than I did this time!) and then we did an interactive activity to go along with the story. I had students sequence the order of the different parts that followed the lady in the story. We also included the sound that each part made.



We got our very own mini readers today and practiced reading them as a whole group and then circled our focus sight word 'we'.

We completed another page in our reading and writing books. This is a FREEBIE! Grab it HERE!!

I had this hanging up in the room today when my kiddos walked in. Their reaction was priceless! I told them that he was so happy that we were reading his story in class that he wanted to join in on the fun!!

We finished our number 7 board today.

We completed 'All About the Number 7' page on our own!


We also read our Number 7 Interactive Mini Math Reader where we had to determine how many more leaves needed to be added to get 7 leaves altogether. They did great with this!! This book was great for counting on from a given number, was higher level thinking, and gave lots of practice for counting!

And... This Number 7 Interactive Mini Reader is for FREE!!!! 
(There are 3 different mini books to choose from)


You can grab this interactive math mini reader for free HERE!

We worked more on comparing groups with Sammy! Today, I placed crows on one arm and then would have students come up and make a group that had 'more' crows on the other arm. 

We made a more and less flip book! I gave students 7 crows and they decided how many they wanted to place on each side of the inside of the flip book. They counted and wrote how many crows they had on each side. Last, they wrote which side had 'more' and which side had 'less'.



We had a blast comparing our names to 'scarecrow'! We graphed the data to compare how many letters are in 'scarecrow' and our name. 



We had so much fun with the story 'The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything'. We made the scarecrow from the story!


This story is too funny and cute! I had to share it with you all! My students told me that they didn't want me to be alone when they were at specials. So they decided to give me new students while they were gone. This is what they came up with! Hilarious and ADORABLE!! Ohhhh the things they do that make me smile!

We read our sight word mini readers independently in our whisper phones today!

We finished our mini reading and writing book today!

This Scarecrow Unit: Math, Literacy, and Writing Activities can be found in my TPT store HERE or click on the pictures below:


Next week we will be our Spider Week!!

A lot of the activities you saw above came from some of my products in my TPT Store. You can click on the pictures below to check them out:


I have included some freebies this week! If you did not grab them, scroll through this post again. Here is a link to 2 of the freebies I have for FREE for you! Thank you again for checking out my blog! :)


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