Beginning Sounds FREEBIE!
I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing winter break! After a couple weeks of getting back to the normal school routine, we have been working really hard in small groups. I don't know about you, but I swear it takes just as long for me to get back to the school routine after winter break as it is does for the students! The first couple weeks back from break have consisted of a lot of small group work, observing independent work, and looking over assessments. From all of this, I am really happy with where my small groups are headed! The second half of the school year is here and it is also the time of year that those beginning readers really begin to shine through! It is such an exciting time of year! I really like to make sure that my students have a great understanding of their letter sounds. I wanted to make a hands-on activity that would be fun, engaging, and beneficial for my students. I put together an interactive beginning sounds snowman activity that I wanted to share w...