100th Day of School!!
On Monday this week, we had our 100th day of school!!! We had so much fun doing TONS of 100th day activities !! This is what my room looked like before my students got there. We did a 100's chart mystery picture. We made yummy fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops. I was very impressed with this AB pattern fruit loop necklace!! We made a 100 days smarter tie We made some cool 100 glasses! We made crazy 100th day hats! Students placed 10 things on each strip to make 100 altogether! We wrote 100 words!! (I forgot to take a picture of the end result… sorry!) We painted 100 gumballs We wrote about what we would do if we had $100 One of my students wants to buy a dog for the class!!! We made a tower out of 100 cups!! I was BEYOND imp...