Thanksgiving Fun!!
We had such a fun week learning all about Thanksgiving! We learned about the First Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Indians, and the Mayflower! We worked hard this week and were very busy, but had a blast with so much new learning! Check out the first part to our Thanksgiving Unit!
We practiced finding the missing number starting at a given number.
We continued to practice our patterns by determining which picture was behind the question marks. We had lots of fun with this!
We made patterns on sentence strips with shapes and colors. We are going to turn them into Indian headbands and are keeping them in a safe place in our room for when we are Indians next week!
We also made pattern bracelets! I let them pick any pattern that they wanted to make. I had some try some ABCD patterns. I was super impressed!
It was so cute seeing my kiddos wear these bracelets all week long! The bracelets really meant a lot to them and I was so happy we made them :)
We read 'The Pilgrim's First Thanksgiving' today. My class loved this story and so do I! We learned sooooo much about the first Thanksgiving. I loved hearing my students share their new knowledge!
After reading, we focused on the Mayflower. We did some interactive writing about what we learned about the Mayflower.
We started our 'First Thanksgiving Book' today. We made a Mayflower to go with the first page of our Thanksgiving book.
We had more fun finding the missing pattern!
We made an Indian with a pattern on the headband and on the necklace.
We reread parts of 'The First Thanksgiving' and talked about how the Pilgrims were not able to bring much with them on the Mayflower. We pretended to be Pilgrims and wrote about what we would take with us on the Mayflower. I LOVED reading what they would take!
I will take my stuffed animal and I will take my blanket and my pillow.
I will take my bed and my toys and my Wii.
I will take my PSP and my ninja turtle.
We made a Pilgrim Craft to go with our writing.
We worked on our 2nd page of 'The First Thanksgiving' Books today.
We made a Thanksgiving Patterns Book where they had to create different kinds of patterns and label them. They even got to create some patterns of their own choice!
We read 'The Story of the Pilgrims' today. After all of our new knowledge on the Mayflower, we decided if we would want to sail on the Mayflower and graphed our answers.
We filled out the data and wrote our own opinion!
(I do not want to go on the Mayflower because it is dangerous.)
(I want to go on the Mayflower.)
We made a large Mayflower today to go with out writing!
We read 'Oh, What a Thanksgiving!' and compared how Pilgrims were then to how we are now.
We worked on our next page of 'The First Thanksgiving' Book.
We worked on counting by 5's to 50! I mixed the numbers up and they had to help me put them in the correct order.
Then, we practiced ordering numbers counting by 5's on our own!
We also worked on finding numbers that are greater today. We played this fun greater than game for practice!
We made a Pilgrim house and a house that we see today. Then, we sorted pictures of things that the Pilgrims used and things that we use today and placed them under the house.
We wrote about how we are different than the Pilgrims.
We worked on another page in 'The First Thanksgiving Books'.
Today we practiced counting and ordering numbers by 10. I mixed them up to try to trick them, but they are so smart!
We practiced ordering numbers counting by 10 on these turkeys!
We also practiced determining written numbers that are great than, less than, or equal to. We played this fun game to help us get a deeper understanding!
We talked a lot about being thankful this week. I found these very cute storied that really helped my students understand what Thanksgiving is and what it means to be thankful.
We talked about what we are thankful for.
And we wrote about what we are thankful for.
We worked on another page of 'The First Thanksgiving Book'. I love watching my kiddos go back through their books and reading the pages. They get so excited and proud of themselves and their hard work! It is priceless!
Next week is a short week! We will continue working on our Thanksgiving Unit! If you would like these activities for your classroom, click HERE or on the picture below:
I will be busy dying noodles and getting lots of Pilgrim and Indian costumes ready this weekend :)
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