
Showing posts from June, 2016

Father's Day

Happy June!!!! I hope those of you who are officially on Summer Break are getting lots of time to relax and those of you who are not on break yet, I hope you enjoy the last days with your students!! :) It feels like we were just talking about Mother's Day and now Father's Day is less than 3 weeks away! I am so so so excited to share with you all my  Father's Day Crafts ! I was playing around with a few different crafts and could not decide which one to use so... I decided to use all of them!! I have 3 fun and memorable Father's Day Crafts your students can make for their father's. The crafts you can choose from are: a Wearable 3D Tie, a Tool Belt, and a Tool Box!  They are ALL included! **I have also included versions for Grandpa and Uncle too!** Here is a closer look of each Father's Day Craft : Wearable 3D Tie Students get to make a 3D tie craft. They can choose from different decorations to place on their tie to make it their very own! Students also get to ...