More Thanksgiving Fun!
What a fun short week we had this past week! When I say short, I mean 2 days of school short! Our 2 days were filled with fun and being thankful! We had a blast dressing up as Pilgrims and Native Americans while finishing up our Thanksgiving Unit! Here is a peek at our 2 day short week! :) Monday We started the week making groups of 5. We did this with different kinds of food we see on Thanksgiving :) Then we played a 'Find the Turkey' game! I hid 3 turkeys behind the numbers 1-20. I had one student come up at a time and say the number they thought the turkey was hiding behind. They would pick up the number card to see if he was there! This was so much fun and gave us lots of laughs! We played a fun pattern game where I had one student make a pattern with colored bears on a strip. They would cover up the last 3 bears with dixie cups. When that student was done they would tell their partner to turn around. The partner that turned around would have to look at the pattern and ...